If you have questions about RGB video quality please visit this article. NESRGB installation is currently offered for the AV Famicom, Classic NES FrontLoader or TopLoader. Prices & Options vary for each console.
For ordering and installation visit our storepage here
NESRGB Board Features:
- Works with the original NES processor chip. Parts are no longer taken from Playcoice 10 arcades.
- Outputs RGB, S-video (encoded from RGB), composite video (encoded from RGB), and composite video (original from PPU). Component can be added for additional cost
- Compatible with PAL and NTSC consoles (jumper selectable).
- Color palette. Three palettes available, Natural, Improved, and Garish. The Natural palette has the same colors as the original composite video output.
Frontloader Install option Examples:

Palette switch options: (changes color palettes on screen)
-3 Position Color toggle switch usually placed at rear.
-No switch / Fixed Color palette, set to normal
Video Output Connector options:
-3D printed multiout connector SNES/N64 style. Outputs Composite, Svideo, and RGB. Made for Toploader or Frontlaoder. Uses common SNES/N64 style cables.
Audio options:
-Improved Dual Mono Right and Left Channel. This selection has the best overall sound and customer satisfaction.
-Faux Stereo: NES CPU Channels are separated to left and right speaker. (I think dual mono sounds better)
Other Add-Ons & Features:
-Region Free upgrade (for frontloader NES)
-Check and adjust 72pin or "Blinking Light Win" replacement can be installed. The BLW device will eliminate all future 72pin game reading issues.
-LED Power Light or LED color change for frontloaders.
-Full case cleaning. I can make most consoles look new again!
-Have a custom request? Let's discuss it.
Is your Head spinning? Need a simpler ordering method? Try this.
Common NES TopLoader Order:
- Power LED
- Enhanced Dual Mono
- Custom Multiport
- 3 Palette switch
- Case Cleaning and & 72 pin check & adjust
Common Famicom AV Order:
- Power LED
- Case Cleaning and & 72 pin check & adjust.
- These famicom comes with built in multiports! RGB,Svideo, composite can be channeled the the multiport.
- Overall cheapest method for RGB NES vs other models
Common NES Frontloader Order:
- Enhanced Dual Mono.
- Multiport (outputs RGB,Svideo &Composite)
- 3 Palette switch.
- 72 pin check & adjust. Or "blinking Light Win" can be installed.